
Strange Wonderful Things

 Rare and exotic plants

Turquoise Puya


Bolivian Fuchsia

Fuchsia boliviana


Getting started -  Your plant was grown in filtered light, so it should started in bright shade and then increase the sun a little at a time over 2-4 weeks, watching for wilting.  Keep in mind that this plant doesn't need a lot of sun to be happy.

Transplanting - Transplant gently to avoid damaging the delicate roots.  Use well-drained soil.  A typical mix is 2 parts quality potting soil to 1 part perlite.  Transplant to a pot about 4-5 inches wide.  The first week after repotting, give it no fertilizer or direct sun.

Watering - Fuchsia boliviana likes moist soil, but it shouldn't be constantly soggy either.  Never let the pot dry out.

Feeding - Your Fuchsia likes average fertilizing.  Feed about every 2-3 months with a general-purpose fertilizer that contains micronutrients. 

Light - Fuchsia boliviana prefers filtered sunlight.  Morning sun + late afternoon shade is fine, as is tree-filtered sunlight all day.  Protect from strong afternoon sun.

Climate -- It comes from cool cloud forests, where it doesn't freeze, but it also doesn't get very warm.  It might not thrive in areas that regularly get above 85° F (29°C) and nights are warm.  If other Fuchsias grow in your area, you should be able to grow this one.  In warmer conditions, keep the pot shaded, perhaps by placing it inside a second pot made of clay.

  It can only handle a few degrees of frost.  Protection from freezing temperatures is highly recommended. 

 Over about 40% humidity is best.  Indoors, if it seems to suffer from low humidity, consider using an ultrasonic room humidifier.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. 

Have fun growing it!

- Jeff

Strange Wonderful Things



Strange Wonderful Things

Rare and exotic plants

Turquoise Puya

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