Planting the bulb
When to plant -- Plant your bulb promptly when you receive it. Getting started -- You can grow it in a 3-4 inch (8-10 cm) pot. Fill the pot most of the way with a very well-draining soil mix. A typical mix is 3 parts perlite or coarse sand to 1 part potting soil. An alternate mix is 2 parts perlite to 1 part coir fiber, with some slow-release potting soil mixed in. Cover the bulb with soil, leaving the tip of it exposed. If your bulb is dormant - Add just enough water so the soil is lightly moist throughout, and keep it this moist until it sprouts. Don't fully saturate the soil, but don't let it dry out. If your bulb has leaves - Water the soil so it's evenly moist (but not fully saturated). To keep the leaves from wilting the first 2-3 weeks, see the tips on this page. Try to keep it between about 65 and 80 degrees F (18-27°C) during the day (a little cooler at night is ok). If your bulb is dormant, it may take anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months to sprout, depending on when it went dormant. Once it sprouts, keep the soil evenly moist most of the time. Don't let it dry out completely, nor stay constantly saturated. Give it bright light, but shade it from strong sun. It does not need much direct sunlight to thrive - just bright light (See: "Growing indoors with LED lights"). Feed it about every 3 months with an all-purpose fertilizer that contains micronutrients. Follow the dosage on the package. Dormancy -- The bulb can drop some or all of its leaves for a few months each year. When this happens, give just enough water to keep the soil slightly moist, until it emerges from dormancy. Every 2 years, repot the bulb into fresh soil. During dormancy, feel free to separate any baby bulbs that have formed. If you choose to keep them together in the same pot, use one big enough so the bulbs are about 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart. Pests -- Watch for mealy bugs (cottony growth at soil level). If you see them, try soaking the soil with insecticidal soap. Contact me if you have questions. Have fun growing it! - Jeff Strange Wonderful Things