
Strange Wonderful Things

 Rare and exotic plants

Turquoise Puya


Impatiens latiflora

Impatiens latiflora

Indian Angel Impatiens


Please unpack your plant carefully


Getting started -- Impatiens occasionally wilt during transit.  If your plant arrives wilted, or wilts shortly after, leave it in its pot and place a plastic bag over it.  The plant should perk up within a day, and you can try removing the bag.

Soil -- Use well-draining soil that's high in organic matter.  Most high quality potting soils should work, although i recommending adding 1 part perlite to 2 parts soil, for extra drainage.

Transplant to a 1 gallon pot, approximately.  You can transplant again to a 3-5 gallon container after 2-3 months.  Transplant carefully to avoid damaging the delicate roots.  After transplanting, avoid packing the soil down.

Lighting -- This Impatiens prefers bright shade, or filtered sunlight.  Avoid prolonged direct sun, unless it's early-morning sun.

Watering -- Try to keep the soil moist, but not soggy, most of the time.  You may use a moisture meter probe to monitor the moisture levels down in the root zone. 

I recommend using rain water or bottled spring water until your plant is well-established.  You may then use tap water, as long as it's not filtered through a water-softening filter, like Brita or Pur.  These add sodium to the water, which may harm the plant.

Climate -- This Impatiens prefers mild temperatures.  If possible, grow at 60-75 degrees.  In warmer areas, give it plenty of shade and air circulation.  Protect from freezing temperatures.  The humidity should be above about 40%.  If your room humidity is too low, consider using an ultrasonic room humidifier, which you can buy at places like Home Depot and thrift shops.

Fertilizing -- Your Impatiens has average fertilizer needs. Feed about every 3 weeks during periods of active growth using regular all-purpose fertilizer that has micronutrients.  It's normal for older leaves to occasionally turn yellow and drop, but if it's excessive, the plant may need more fertilizer, particularly nitrogen. Also check that the soil is moist, but not soggy, down in the root zone.  Don't feed your plant the first week after transplanting.

Pruning -- Pruning isn't necessary, although you can shape the plant if you wish.  Avoid removing more than 25% of the branches in a 2 week period.

Pests to watch for -- aphids, spider mites (tiny "dots" and webbing under the leaves), whitefly, mealy bugs.  Certain spider mites can't be seen but cause deformities of the new leaves.  Be careful when choosing chemical remedies, because some can burn Impatiens.

Have fun growing it!


Strange Wonderful Things



Strange Wonderful Things

Rare and exotic plants

Turquoise Puya

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