
Impatiens arguta

"Blue Dream" Impatiens


Please take your time removing your plant from it's packaging.

Getting started -- Your Impatiens was grown in filtered light and will need to be acclimated to direct sun very slowly.  Impatiens arguta is fairly sensitive to sudden increases in the amount of sun per day.  I recommend starting your plant with bright, indirect light for the first week, followed by an hour or two of morning sun.  Then every few days, you can increase the sun by about an hour if you want.  Keep in mind that this plant doesn't need a lot of direct sun.  Filtered sun throughout the day works very well and prevents burning or overheating.  

Potting up -- Before sliding the plant from its pot, please give it a thorough watering, so the soil doesn't break apart, which can damage the roots. If the plant is hard to slide out, stick the eraser end of a pencil into the holes at the bottom to help push it out.  Gently plant it in a 1 gallon container (approximately).   Impatiens arguta likes moist but well-draining soil that's high in organic matter, like compost.  A good mix would be 1/3 potting soil, 1/3 well-decomposed compost, and 1/3 perlite or pumice rock.  I like to mix in some slow-release organic compost at this time.  

Watering -- For the first month, please ensure that the original soil ball remains moist all the times. You can use a moisture meter probe, which you buy get for about $4 at most garden and hardware stores.  During periods of active growth and warm weather, your plant will need extra watering, however the pot should never sit in water.  Add a layer of mulch to retain moisture and keep the roots cool.  

When the roots start poking out the holes at the bottom of the container, you can repot it into a larger container. 

Climate -- The regions where Impatiens arguta comes from typically get from 32-39 degrees in the winter and from 75-90 in the summer.  Keep in mind that growth and flowering tends to slow below around 50 degrees, so bring it indoors if you'd like it to flower over the winter.  Outdoors, protect it from frost.  In hot-summer areas, give it shade during the hot parts of the day, and don't plant it where heat can collect, like near a sunny wall. 

Fertilizing -- Impatiens arguta likes average amounts of fertilizer. Feed about every 3 weeks during periods of fast growth using regular vegetable fertilizer.  When growth slows, you can reduce the feedings, and end them completely if your plant should go dormant.  Don't try to force more growth with excessive fertilizer.

Pruning --  You can prune back leggy branches to one or two "nubs" and the plant will get bushier.  Try not to remove more than 10-15% of the branches in a week.  You can stake your plant upright if you wish, or let it flop over the side of the pot. 

Propagation --  To take cuttings, clip a 5" section of stem and remove the leaves on the lower half.  Then snip the remaining leaves in half using scissors.  Promptly stick it in a cup of moist soil and cover using a baggie or small plastic bag, which has 2 or 3 dime-sized holes cut into it, for air circulation.  Place the plant under fluorescent lights or in a northern window.  It should root within a month.

Pests to watch for -- Scale (little brown disks on the stem - very hard to see!), aphids, spider mites (tiny "dots" under the leaves), snails/slugs. 

If you have any questions, feel free to email me. 

Enjoy your plant!


Strange Wonderful Things


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