
Strange Wonderful Things

 Rare and exotic plants

Turquoise Puya

The burning bush!

Red Iochroma fuchsioides

Now here's a plant to get excited about.  From the Andes mountains comes this spectacular Red Iochroma - Iochroma fuchsioides.  This rare Brugmansia relative puts out endless numbers of brilliant scarlet trumpet flowers.  The plant is beautiful from every angle - and it blooms almost all year long!  This is one of my favorite plants, and i'm glad to finally have it available.

Red Iochroma fuchsioides

This is a special Ecuadorian variety with unusually robust growth, reaching 16 feet tall here in San Francisco.  Unlike many Iochromas, which have leaves that are dull, gray and hairy, this one has smooth, bright-green foliage that always looks fresh and lively.  The flared blooms of this variety are about 2 inches long and have an orangey interior.  The plant can have blooms on it most months of the year, with the biggest show in spring and summer. 

Red Iochroma fuchsioides

The Red Iochroma prefers mild daytime temperatures and cool nights.  It reportedly grows fine in warm climates like the southern U.S., but it may not flower until the cooler months.  It will lose its leaves from light frost, but mature plants reportedly can survive down to the mid-20s (-4°C), with new growth sprouting from the base in Spring.  It grows well in part sun.  Give it some afternoon shade in warmer climates.  It does well in a container and may be pruned to any size that is convenient.  Give it a fertile, well-draining soil and keep it evenly moist.  Over about 40% humidity is best.  In the right conditions, it's an easy and very vigorous plant.

Red Iochroma fuchsioides

Unfortunately, counterfeit Iochroma seeds have emerged from China.  I guarantee that my plants & seeds are genuine!


Check availability


Germination tips for this plant



Strange Wonderful Things

Rare and exotic plants

Turquoise Puya

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